Call me cynical, but when I hear somewhere described as a ‘must-visit’ I immediately lower my expectations. This is what I did before our visit to Wadi Shab – one of the most popular wadi day trips from Muscat in Oman.
Wadi Shab has been mentioned to us countless times since we moved to Oman. So I was intrigued, especially after getting more of a wadi experience than we bargained for at neighbouring Wadi Tiwi.
But I was also ready to be disappointed after visiting the equally lauded but very commercial Wadi Bani Khalid a few weeks before.
So, was it a waste of time? Did we bite off more than we could chew visiting with our kids? Or did we have a brilliant time?
Well, since our first visit we have returned again and again. So, spoiler alert, it’s totally worth adding to your Oman itinerary.
In this post I’m going to share our experience of visiting Wadi Shab with our children along with some tips for doing it yourself.
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Why visit Wadi Shab?

Wadi Shab is an easy day trip from Muscat – about one and a half hours from the city centre by road – and has been set up for tourists, albeit in a very light touch way.
Don’t expect lots of safety measures or flashy facilities, but do come ready to experience Oman’s extraordinary natural beauty.
Your visit will include a boat trip across the wadi entrance, skyscraper gorge walls, a fun hike, long clear pools and a cave you can swim inside to find a hidden waterfall.
You need to allow three hours to explore and I think you’ll agree that it is time well spent.
Here’s our guide to visiting Wadi Shab with children along with some tips for doing it yourself.
Best time to visit Wadi Shab
We’ve visited Wadi Shab several times over different months, both during the hot summer off season and busy winter tourist season.
It’s definitely quieter between May and September but people visit all year round. Weekends and national holidays are particularly busy when locals and international visitors come to hike and swim.
My best advice is to get there early. Either stay near Wadi Shab or get up early in Muscat or Sur and arrive at around 8am, before the visitor rush and the heat of midday.

On our very first visit, we arrived at 8.30am and there were just a handful of other cars in the car park under Highway 17.
The ferry starts running from 8am, so there’s not much point in arriving earlier than this.
By the time we returned three hours later the car park was full, and cars and coaches were parked along the road.
People were still arriving and we passed lots coming in to the wadi as we left.

The number of people later in the morning made the hike a little less pleasant on some of the narrower sections with a long drop.
I don’t believe it would be possible to avoid the two way hiking traffic until after 2pm on a weekend. So we were glad we arrived at the start of the day to go with the flow in at least one direction.
If you do decide to visit later on be aware that the wadi is not accessible after late afternoon (see ferry times below). 2pm is probably the latest you want to arrive, particularly if you intend to swim in the pools at the end and visit the cave.
The optimum days to visit are from Sunday to Thursday when there will be fewer locals, like us.
When not to visit Wadi Shab
The time not to visit Wadi Shab is during or straight after rain. The whole wadi floods making it inaccessible. The ferry boats will not be running when the wadi is dangerous to visit.
Ferry boat at Wadi Shab

This is the only wadi in Oman where we have had to take a ferry to explore. Small motorboats transport visitors from the car park, across the mouth of the river, under the viaduct to where the wadi path starts on the other side.

The cost of a return trip is 1 OMR per person, but we were charged 500 baisa (half a rial) for the children. You pay this upfront in cash.
The ferries run daily from 8am, so this is the earliest you can visit Wadi Shab.
The last ferry runs between 5pm and 6pm depending on the season. If you are visiting in the afternoon check when the ferry stops as you will be stranded without it.
The hike into Wadi Shab

If it has rained recently the route can be wet, so come prepared to walk in water as soon as you get off the ferry.
The terrain is also changeable depending on whether the wadi has flooded recently. Here’s two photos of the first part of the Wadi Shab hike before and after heavy rains.

About 15 minutes into the walk the path turns from shingle into rock. Be very careful on the slippery rocks which have been polished by thousands of pairs of feet.

The path has been improved for visitors with most cracks in the rock cemented over but you still need to watch your step, especially as the route starts to rise along the side of the wadi.
There’s no hand rail between you and some big drops. If you are visiting with young children you will need to hold their hands so you know where they are at all times.

It’s at this point that you see the first section of deep turquoise water below. It might look inviting but this part is harder to swim in. There’s no easy way to enter and exit it – another reason to keep hold of little ones.
During our visit in October 2024, after a lot of rain, there were some accessible pools about 30 minutes into the hike. Lots of people opted to stop and swim here before the path rejoined the valley floor.

The valley floor is where the path becomes less obvious.
There are black arrows spray painted on some rocks to mark the route but some are a bit ambiguous. The best route may also change depending on how much water there is.
Be prepared to turn around and find an easier route if the scramble becomes too difficult.

After a while you’ll spot a falaj irrigation system on the left of the valley. Following this is the easier way to reach the main wadi pools.

There’s no chance of getting lost. Just keep following the valley floor. You should reach the main pools in an hour.
Swimming at Wadi Shab
You know you’ve reached the swimming area when you spot a ‘welcome’ sign that looks like it has seen much better days. It explains that you cannot walk from this point and you have to be a good swimmer to reach the cave at the end.

Having visited a few wadis in Oman (and kicked ourselves for not being quite as prepared as we needed to be when we went to neighbouring Wadi Tiwi) we were prepared with waterproof bags and buoyancy aids for the kids.
My girls have both come on leaps and bounds with their swimming since we moved to Oman but when you are doing this kind of outdoor adventure extra precautions never hurt.
There’s plenty of space in the area around the first pool to leave any belongings you don’t want to take with you.
Please remember to pick them up, along with any empty water bottles and food packaging, when you leave. Littering is sadly a big problem in beauty spots like this.
The swim from the first pool to where you enter to the Wadi Shab cave is a few hundred meters. There are sections where you can wade through the water, where the water flows ankle deep over shingle and parts where the bottom is nowhere in sight.
Take a look at my Wadi Shab Reel on Instagram that shares video from the swim in March 2023.
We know from experience that heavy rain change the route. During our first visit there were sections filled with tall reeds.

March 2023 – high reeds line the route between pools.

October 2024 – the section that we have seen filled with reeds in previous visits was washed bare by the recent rains.
It’s also worth mentioning that there’s slippery algae on the rocks. Take it slowly in and out of the water.
Just before the final pool you will need to climb up over a small waterfall were it would be possible to hurt yourselves if not approached carefully.
This section gets particularly slippery when it had been made wetter by higher water or other visitors’ wet feet on buys days.

See my list of what to wear below for suggestions on footwear.
The Wadi Shab cave
If you make it to the end of the last deep pool you can experience Wadi Shab’s hidden cave. Be warned, this is not advisable if you are not a strong swimmer or you experience claustrophobia.

The cave entrance only becomes clear as you approach because it is mostly underwater. Most of the time there’s just a narrow opening above the waterline that isn’t much bigger than your head in some places.
However, during our most recent visit, after a lot of rain, the entrance was much bigger. This was because a dam at the front of the pool had been washed away.

You won’t be able to touch the bottom as you enter the cave or inside it. As we felt below the water line the walls disappeared outwards and it became clear that we were floating at the top of a huge cavern.
If you get here early in the morning you may find you have the cave to yourselves. But you really need to start the hike into Wadi Shab as soon as the boats start running.
Inside the cave there is a waterfall. If there has been a lot of rain this runs very fast and creates a current that pushes you back towards the entrance. You need to swim against this to get into the cave and then cling to the sides to maintain your position.
Most times we have been into the cave we have seen locals and adventurous visitors taking it in turns to climb ropes up the waterfall to jump back into the water.

Can you see the water level difference between these two pictures?
To the right of the waterfall you can find a narrow channel that has been eaten into the rock around the back. In the water level is low enough this can take you right around the back of the waterfall.
Making it to the cave is a real highlight of visiting Wadi Shab. We’d recommend giving it a go but you need to come prepared with the right clothing and equipment.
What to wear at Wadi Shab
We’d recommend arriving at Wadi Shab wearing swimming costumes under your clothes as there’s nowhere to change when you reach the pools.
You could also slip on your swimwear in the public toilets in the car park if you don’t want to wear them during the drive to Wadi Shab.
Here’s the other things to wear during your visit:
Conservative outdoor clothing
Oman is a Muslim country where dressing conservatively is a legal requirement. In general you should wear clothes that cover upper arms and knees.
A short sleeve t-shirt and cropped workout leggings for women and a t-shirt and long shorts for men is totally acceptable for the hiking section of Wadi Shab.
When it came to the swim we wear rash vests with short sleeves and swim shorts. These can be worn underneath other clothing and also help to protect against the sun.
If you’re working on your packing list take a look at my guide to what to wear in Oman.
Sturdy shoes

We always wear walking sandals that we can use in water when we visit wadis. This saves carrying extra water shoes that are essential for stoney and slippery sections.
The girls and I all have KEEN shoes, which have grippy soles for walking and have been in and out of the water more times than I can count.
The kids currently have KEEN Unisex Kid’s Verano Open Toe Sandals and I have had a pair of KEEN trail shoes for about four years now. They have been discontinued but are still going strong.
Here’s another KEEN outdoor sandal that I know would work well as the girls have had smaller versions in the past. The kids always grow out of KEEN shoes before they wear them out, so we often pass them on.
Buoyancy aids for kids

They’re not just for kids. All of the visitors on the organised tours that we saw were wearing buoyancy aids.
We put our girls in their buoyancy aids despite them being fairly strong swimmers and I’m sure the tour guides were using the same logic. Accidents can happen quickly, particularly slip ups. So if you fall it’s much better that you float.
Your health and safety is your own responsibility whichever wadi you visit.
We brought one of the kids’ buoyancy aids with us from the UK and bought another at Decathlon in the Mall of Oman where they also sell adult buoyancy aids.
My husband and I have Restubes for paddle boarding and often use them at wadis.
Other things to take to Wadi Shab
After visiting several wadis in Oman we’ve put together a list of suggested things to take along.
We’ve kicked ourselves a few times for forgetting obvious things and items that make the experience so much easier. But I think we’ve now got the definitive list.
If you don’t already have some of these essential items we’ve found the following shops good for outdoor gear:
- The Sultan Centre, various locations in Muscat
- Decathlon in the Mall of Oman
- Sun and Sand Sport in Avenues Mall, the Mall of Oman and City Centre Mall. There’s also an outlet shop in Markaz Al Bahja.
I’ve also included links below where you can order these things online if you’re able to plan far enough ahead.
Here are some wadi staples to bring with you:
Dry bag

We have a rucksack that’s also a dry bag. We picked this up at a Sultan Centre shop in Muscat and we take it with us everywhere now.
It’s easy to carry and big enough for a light-weight towel, some snacks and water, goggles for the kids, and a first aid kit. It also doubles as a useful flotation device.
At Wadi Shab it meant that we didn’t need to leave any belongings at the first pool.
If you forget a dry bag big enough just for your phone or wallet you can also buy these at the wadi car park.
I’d recommend packing a dry bag if you intend to do any adventurous activities in Oman.
Bring a microfibre towel. It’s a good idea to dry off a bit when you leave the pools so you are less likely to slip on the rocky path back to the wadi entrance.
You need something small that won’t retain lots of water and become heavy on your return walk.
Sun glasses
There’s lots of shade to be found in the wadi but not all the time so protect your eyes with good sunglasses.
Sun cream
For exactly the same reasons as you need sunglasses, wear factor 50 sun cream on your face and body. Even in the shade you’ll be picking up rays.
I’m not a fan of putting my face in the water intentionally but my kids love it. Goggles allow them a different perspective on wadis so we always bring theirs.
Change of clothes
In case you get your hiking clothes wet or dirty leave a spare set in your car.
Snacks and water
Where would us parents be without snacks for the kids?! Our go to snacks for hiking trips are apples and small packets of biscuits, which we can easily slip into our rucksack.
We often pack a picnic too as it means we can get food into the kids fast when we get back to the car. A cool box and ice blocks are handy for keeping food fresh in a hot vehicle.
You’re going to need a lot of water, but won’t necessarily want to carry it all with you.
Make sure everyone has a small bottle of water for the hike and leave some chilling in your vehicle.
I don’t go anywhere in Oman without a packet tissues. You never know if public lavatories will have any, especially in more rural areas where squat toilets and bum guns (hoses by the loo) are the norm.
First aid kit
Something else we rarely adventure without is our small first aid kit. This has plasters, including Compeeds, bug bite cream and Panadol (paracetamol). This is what we carry with us.
We have another first aid kit including bandages in our car.
Facilities at the wadi
There’s a long tarmac car park and parking is free.

Be aware that the car park is a hang out for goats who are very forward, particularly if they think they can sniff out a snack. They will put their heads in bags and their bodies in your car if you don’t keep an eye on them.
At the end of the car park there’s a cafe with showers (you’ll pay a fee to use these). We didn’t stop at the cafe as we suspected it might be expensive. But if you are short on snacks or water it could prove very handy.
There’s free toilets towards the car park entrance. These have western style loos as well as a squat toilets. Bring your own toilet tissue. You can also change here.
2024 update: the men’s toilets had been damaged by the flood last time we visited. The women’s toilets were being used by everyone.
Where is Wadi Shab?
Whether you are coming from Muscat or Sur it’s very easy to find Wadi Shab. It’s sign posted off Highway 17 one hour 45 minutes (170km) south from Muscat International Airport and 40 minutes north (50km) from Sur.
Look for signs for signs saying ‘Al Shab’.
The pin on this map is the public toilets at the entrance to the Wadi Shab car park.
Where to stay at Wadi Shab
We visited from where we live in Muscat but if you are holiday or an Oman road trip there are a few options for places to stay near Wadi Shab.
Wadi Ashab Chalets – adults only
This sea front guest house with private rooms and shared lounge is the closest accommodation to Wadi Shab – you can walk to the ferry in five minutes.
This is an adults only guest house but does offer rooms for up to five people.
Check availability at Wadi Ashab Chalets.
Wadi Shab Guest House – family-friendly
This Omani-style villa accommodation is 1km from the wadi entrance, so a very easy drive to reach the wadi for when the ferry starts running.
It only offers double and twin rooms so if you are travelling with children you will have to book two rooms as they do not offer extra beds. However, it gets great reviews, has a swimming pool and is right on the beach.
Check availability at Wadi Shab Guest House.
Wadi Shab Beach Villa – a private villa
If you are travelling with a large group this beach front villa sleeps up to 10 people in three bedrooms with a shared bathroom.
It has its own private beach and swimming pool.
Check availability at Tiwi Beach Villa.
Wild camping near Wadi Shab

Another option is to camp. Wild camping is very easy in Oman as you can do it anywhere out of sight of houses and a safe distance from roads.
You will however need a 4×4 to access most wild camping places in Oman.
Popular camping places near Wadi Shab are Pebble Beach and Fins Beach. You’ll find both just to the north of Tiwi.
More reading about Oman
Start planning your visit with my tips for travelling to Oman and follow that up with my latest posts:
- Hiking the Sa’al Steps and Jabel Khoneh
- Misfat Al Abriyeen – everything you need to know
- What’s so special about Wadi Shab?
- Wadi Bani Khalid: is it worth visiting?
- 18 things to do in Muscat – culture, outdoor fun & were to cool down
Read more about visiting Oman with kids in my comprehensive travel guide for families.
Check out the #TinBoxOman hashtag on Instagram to see more of our adventures.
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Shirley Hall
Tuesday 14th of March 2023
I luv reading about all your adventures.